This is such a powerful act Caro. To really take hold of our agency and say no, I'm not going to put up with this anymore, I'm not going to fight this battle which is completely rigged against me and my innate way of being.
I'm facing similar battles with trying to get adequate care for myself as someone who's been disabled for eleven years within a system and a western medicine convention that doesn't take into account individual nuance, needs and desires. I refuse to confirm to standards and so called solutions that don't fit me and my way of being, so my care is limited.
These patriarchy created systems are so narrow minded and suffocating, it's exhausting trying to fight them, trying to show there is a different way. But you are doing that, I'm doing that, and alongside everyone currently resisting the restrictive, conventional status quo, we are shining a light for a better world, a better way of living, educating, being.
Thank you for your work, your passionate advocating for something different and for the wisdom and courage to be able to change your approach when necessary. I look forward to hearing how things go xx
I’m so sorry you’ve been put into such a difficult position by a system that should be championing rather than failing our children. As an autistic parent of autistic children, and a qualified and experienced teacher, I’ve opted out of school as I can’t think of it as a safe place for my children right now. The world is set up for neurotypicals to serve “the man”, and all the services and systems in society are mainstream. We just don’t fit them, and often their attempts at accommodating us are superficial and don’t convey a really neuroaffirming space.
You’re an amazing Mama to have been compensating for the failings of these systems for so long. But I know what a toll it takes, and it’s not at all compatible with midlife for women.
Thank goodness we have Rage as an outlet although, having said that, I’m now on mood stabilisers for mine. It was so mighty…
😡 🤭 🙄 🤷🏻♀️
I totally understand what you’re saying about how to end your book. As a PDAuDHDer, I’m wrestling with major demand avoidance and internalised rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD, a cruel part of my ADHD), and can’t even start my book 😭
I’m writing on Autistic Perimenopause while it’s still trying to kill me. I’m on a very intensive treatment/management programme that’s constantly morphing, and also self-advocating for a hysterectomy. To say I don’t know how my story will end is a major understatement, particularly given the frequency of suicidal thoughts and ideation which is a symptom of my auti peri (seems to be responding well to the aforementioned mood stabilisers 👌).
I haven’t written a book before. I’m at an absolute loss. Wanting to start interviewing other people enduring autistic perimenopause to contribute to the dire lack of academic research, by compiling anecdotal/qualitative “data”.
I feel so stuck and overwhelmed, and that’s not even taking the parenting and home/unschooling into account.
All that to say, thanks for normalising this crazy shitshow and demonstrating how to find a way when there isn’t a way 😭 💕
PS: sorry; that turned into an essay, and I don’t have the capacity to edit and check grammar/spelling x
Your words resonate so much Caro! We get to choose the ending of the story, and sometimes we have to take the path less travelled. It's beyond frustrating. The systems have a responsibility to provide the education needed, yet they can't agree amongst themselves what that looks like, nor do they trust parents as much as they should. Im also thinking maybe it's time to stop living on adrenaline, that's completely unsustainable! Cheering you on, you'll know the right way x
This is such a powerful act Caro. To really take hold of our agency and say no, I'm not going to put up with this anymore, I'm not going to fight this battle which is completely rigged against me and my innate way of being.
I'm facing similar battles with trying to get adequate care for myself as someone who's been disabled for eleven years within a system and a western medicine convention that doesn't take into account individual nuance, needs and desires. I refuse to confirm to standards and so called solutions that don't fit me and my way of being, so my care is limited.
These patriarchy created systems are so narrow minded and suffocating, it's exhausting trying to fight them, trying to show there is a different way. But you are doing that, I'm doing that, and alongside everyone currently resisting the restrictive, conventional status quo, we are shining a light for a better world, a better way of living, educating, being.
Thank you for your work, your passionate advocating for something different and for the wisdom and courage to be able to change your approach when necessary. I look forward to hearing how things go xx
Hi Caro,
I’m so sorry you’ve been put into such a difficult position by a system that should be championing rather than failing our children. As an autistic parent of autistic children, and a qualified and experienced teacher, I’ve opted out of school as I can’t think of it as a safe place for my children right now. The world is set up for neurotypicals to serve “the man”, and all the services and systems in society are mainstream. We just don’t fit them, and often their attempts at accommodating us are superficial and don’t convey a really neuroaffirming space.
You’re an amazing Mama to have been compensating for the failings of these systems for so long. But I know what a toll it takes, and it’s not at all compatible with midlife for women.
Thank goodness we have Rage as an outlet although, having said that, I’m now on mood stabilisers for mine. It was so mighty…
😡 🤭 🙄 🤷🏻♀️
I totally understand what you’re saying about how to end your book. As a PDAuDHDer, I’m wrestling with major demand avoidance and internalised rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD, a cruel part of my ADHD), and can’t even start my book 😭
I’m writing on Autistic Perimenopause while it’s still trying to kill me. I’m on a very intensive treatment/management programme that’s constantly morphing, and also self-advocating for a hysterectomy. To say I don’t know how my story will end is a major understatement, particularly given the frequency of suicidal thoughts and ideation which is a symptom of my auti peri (seems to be responding well to the aforementioned mood stabilisers 👌).
I haven’t written a book before. I’m at an absolute loss. Wanting to start interviewing other people enduring autistic perimenopause to contribute to the dire lack of academic research, by compiling anecdotal/qualitative “data”.
I feel so stuck and overwhelmed, and that’s not even taking the parenting and home/unschooling into account.
All that to say, thanks for normalising this crazy shitshow and demonstrating how to find a way when there isn’t a way 😭 💕
PS: sorry; that turned into an essay, and I don’t have the capacity to edit and check grammar/spelling x
Your words resonate so much Caro! We get to choose the ending of the story, and sometimes we have to take the path less travelled. It's beyond frustrating. The systems have a responsibility to provide the education needed, yet they can't agree amongst themselves what that looks like, nor do they trust parents as much as they should. Im also thinking maybe it's time to stop living on adrenaline, that's completely unsustainable! Cheering you on, you'll know the right way x