Wear the damn dress! To steal and stretch a campaign slogan from that big and *sweaty* brand which wasn't around in the 90's when the culture and social conversation simply was not kind to the female experience. A lived experience of that time is bound to leave a legacy. Wear the dress, enjoy the dress, experience the dress. And, crucially - and this is the tough part for some of us prone to hyper vigilance and overthinking - care less about others' reactions to you in it. x

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Such an interesting piece, Caro. I really watch my language around my daughter, I would never call myself fat in front of her, though I would to my friends. Funny how our kids are constantly teaching us… as we were discussing yday in fact!

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The dress sounds ACE! I love this reclamation of playful self expression. I just text Hannah to say my goddess swimming costume is out of stock but I have another to try! Shedding old layers of OLD “this will do in the Sains sale” narratives and choosing something I connect to made me feel empowered and excited to wear it! And wear it all we shall! ✨✨🦄✨✨

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Hope you wore the dress, Caro. A lovely honest piece about body image.

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